Welcome to fatfitz.com & twistedmaplefarm.net. Family websites for the Fitzgeralds'

Disclaimer: This website and it's content are for friends and family of the Fitzgeralds'. Please, do not take anything on these pages seriously as we do not in creating them. If you do not like what you see here or are offended by it, move on and get over it. Life is too short to get upset over stupid things like a webpage. On top of that I am a known story teller, exaggerator and come from a long line of story tellers, fishermen, pilots, rednecks and truck drivers all of which have been known to tell a whopper of a tale.   

Welcome all!

Its been almost a year since we moved into the barn and since we no longer have two homes anymore, it was time to reduce the website down to one site.

The list of "to-do's" to completely finish the barn, keeps getting smaller and smaller.  I just finished all the window casings in the studio and my office along with door trim. Makes it look so much more finished. Next task will be crown molding in finished areas.

This first year in barn has been a learning experience with how everything works, adjustments needed, changes required, and basically learning new means of doing things.

Overall, we are very pleased in how it all has worked out and we are enjoying our time here.

Drought, the worst we have seen here.
We had a pretty wet winter of 2023/2024, but by April the rain had stopped and since then, we have only recieved a couple of rains. The creek has been dry for many months above the bridge, and what water is coming out of the springs is the only thing keeping things alive downstream.
